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栗山浩一(2001)環境評価データベース(IGES-DB Ver0.1)の設計について.環境経済学ワーキングペーパー#0101、早稲田大学政治経済学部

関連サイト 環境評価データベース(IGES-DB)


Key Words: データベース、環境評価、環境会計


ダウンロードファイル cj1.zip(1,548KB、zipで圧縮)





Key Words: 環境評価、多面的機能評価、代替法、CVM


 今日、生態系に対する社会的関心が高まったことから、森林生態系の持っている社会的価値を評価することが緊急の課題となっている。しかし、森林生態系の価値を評価することは必ずしも容易ではない。とりわけ、森林生態系の経済価値を貨幣単位で評価する試みに対しては、多数の批判が見られる。 はたして、森林生態系の価値は評価できるのか? 本論文は、(1)森林生態系の価値とはいったい何か、(2)その価値をいかにして評価するのか、(3)森林生態系の価値は森林政策の対象となりうるのか、という3点からこの疑問に対する答えを示し、我が国の森林政策において森林生態系の価値評価の果たすべき役割と今後の課題を明らかにする。
Key Words: 環境評価、森林生態系、CVM、環境政策

Kuriyama, K., K. Takeuchi, and T. Washida (1999) Repeated Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation for Multi-Attributed Environmental Resources: A Comparison between Contingent Valuation and a Choice Experiment Format. Environmental Economics Working Paper #9902, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University.

The purpose of this paper is to develop a new attribute-based elicitation method, a repeated dichotomous choice contingent valuation (repeated DCCV). In the field of environmental economics, contingent valuation (CV) has traditionally been used to determine the value of environmental resources. However, it is difficult to estimate preferences for attributes of environmental goods using a dichotomous choice, contingent valuation (DCCV) elicitation format. While the choice experiment (CE) technique is a type of multi-attribute preference-elicitation technique that is widely used in marketing research, there are only a few CE studies of environmental valuation. We develop a repeated DCCV format, whereby respondents are iteratively asked binary choice questions related to some offered profiles with multi-attribute bundles. Estimation using repeated DCCV is compared with that of CE using Monte Carlo simulation and with empirical survey data. The results of the simulation show that although parameters estimated by a repeated DCCV can be significant, it requires a larger sample than CE. The empirical evaluation uses survey data regarding provision of protection against oil spills in Tokyo Bay. Sixteen versions of the questionnaire were prepared, and respondents were asked DCCV questions 8 times in each version. The empirical results show that the parameters estimated by the repeated DCCV method are both significant and slightly different from those estimated by CE.

Keywords: Contingent valuation, dichotomous choice, choice experiment, conjoint analysis, environmental valuation

Kuriyama, K. (1999) Strategic Effects on Stated Preferences for Public Goods: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a Contingent Valuation Survey. Environmental Economics Working Paper #9901, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University.

This paper analyzes the strategic behavior behind stated preferences in contingent valuation (CV) surveys. CV is one of several methods used to assess the value of environmental goods. It uses survey data in which respondents are asked about their willingness to pay (WTP) or willingness to accept compensation (WTA) for the environmental goods in question. Economic models of dichotomous choice with follow-up open-ended questions are developed. While respondents can report their preferences freely in the open-ended (OE) format, they must make a choice between "yes" or "no" to the offered payment scheme in a dichotomous choice (CE) format. Theoretical analysis shows that truth telling is the optimal strategy for the first DC question, but free-riding is optimal for the follow-up OE question. Furthermore, the strategic downward bias in follow-up responses is affected by the number of players and by the payment offered. We use experimental CV survey data of stated preferences for protecting the landscape of the Kushiro Wetland National Park in Hokkaido, Japan. Experimental results of this CV survey show that the WTP estimated by follow-up OE responses is significantly lower than the WTP estimated by DC responses, and that the payment offered has a positive effect on follow-up OE responses. These empirical results are compatible with results from theoretical analysis

Keywords: strategic behavior, contingent valuation, incentive compatibility, experimental survey analysis

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