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栗山浩一(1997)森林管理に対する市民の要求の評価−仮想ランキング法による実証研究.Forest Economics and Policy Working Paper #9701, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.


栗山 浩一.森林管理に対する市民の要求の評価−仮想ランキング法による実証研究.日本林学会誌、81(1)、10-16、1999.


今日,森林に対する一般市民の要求が多様化し,一般市民の要求に応じて多目的に森林を管理することが求められている。そこで,水源林造成に対する下流費用負担が実施されている淀川流域を事例として,下流市民の森林に対する要求を評価し,市民の要求に応じた森林管理のあり方を分析した。分析手法は仮想ランキング法(contingent ranking)を用いた。結果は以下の通りである。(1)淀川流域の下流負担は,多くの下流住民の支持を得ている。(2)機能別に評価すると,限界支払意志額は水源かん養1,385円,レクリェーション771円,生態系・野生動物保護317円であった。(3)五つの代替案別に評価したところ,木材生産,水源かん養,レクリェーション,生態系・野生動物保護を多目的に森林管理を行ったときに最も高い環境価値(3,639億円)が得られることが示された。したがって,市民の要求に応えるためには,特定の機能に特化した森林管理を行うことよりも,多目的に森林管理を行うことが必要である。


Kuriyama, K. and Ishii, Y. (1998) Estimation of The Environmental Value of Recycled Wood Wastes: A Conjoint Analysis Study. Forest Economics and Policy Working Paper #9801, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.


The purpose of this paper is to estimate the environmental value of recycled wood wastes using conjoint analysis. A comparison of the pair-wise rating method and the choice experiment elicitation method is made. An empirical study of recycled water-cleaning filters made from wood wastes shows that recycling has significant value as estimated by both pair-wise rating and choice experiments. However, the estimated marginal willingness to pay for recycling differs somewhat between the two methods. It may be that profile design effects appear in our survey.

Kuriyama, K. (1998) Measuring the Value of the Ecosystem in the Kushiro Wetland: An Empirical Study of Choice Experiments. Forest Economics and Policy Working Paper #9802, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.


This paper estimates the environmental value of the ecosystem in the Kushiro wetland using data from choice experiments (CE). CE asks individuals to pick from a set of resource management alternatives. The results are as follows: (1) The average willingness to pay is 16,414 yen/year/household and the aggregate willingness to pay is 36 billion yen/year, when all the land around the wetland (151,361 ha) is protected for the ecosystem. (2) Cost benefit analysis shows that the optimal protection area is in the range between Q4 (91,361 ha) and Q5 (151,361 ha). This means that it is important in terms of social welfare to protect not only the wetland itself, but also the forest around the wetland. (3) The internal scope insensitivity hypothesis is rejected.


conjoint analysis, choice experiment, wetland ecosystem, environmental valuation

栗山浩一・石井寛(1998)リサイクル商品の環境価値と市場競争力―コンジョイント分析による評価―.Forest Economics and Policy Working Paper #9803, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.


栗山 浩一・石井 寛.リサイクル商品の環境価値と市場競争力−コンジョイント分析による評価−.環境科学会誌、12(1)、17-26、1999.


商品価値のうちリサイクル価値を評価し、リサイクル型商品の市場競争力を分析する。評価対象は建設廃材や間伐材などの木質系廃棄物を材料とする家庭用浄水器フィルターを対象に、コンジョイント分析により評価をおこなった。コンジョイント分析はアンケート結果をもとに商品価値を属性別に評価する手法である。分析の結果、浄水器の属性のうち、トリハロメタン除去の価値がフィルター1台あたり 3,073 円と最も高く、リサイクル価値は 997 円となった。この結果をもとに、リサイクル型商品の市場競争力をシミュレートしたところ、リサイクル型商品が通常の商品と同じ品質を保持する場合は、通常の商品とほぼ同じ価格であれば通常の商品よりも高いシェアが得られるものの、リサイクル型商品が品質的に劣る場合は、通常の商品と同じ価格では、リサイクル型のシェアは10%以下となることが判明した。この原因には、リサイクル商品のリサイクル価値は、 あくまでも商品価値の二次的な価値にすぎないことが考えられる。

Kuriyama, K. (1998) A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Transaction Value Embedded in Stated Preference Data. Forest Economics and Policy Working Paper #9804, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.


The economic theory of the scope test and of transaction value in stated preference (SP) data is analyzed. Scope tests are applied to several contingent valuation studies to determine whether willingness to pay (WTP) is derived from consumption or from transaction value. Although the scope insensitivity hypothesis is rejected, WTP may be overestimated due to the inclusion of transaction value. A choice experiment (CE) is analyzed, to estimate the effects of transaction value in SP data. The empirical results show that the WTP is overestimated due to the inclusion of transaction value.


transaction value, scope test, choice experiment, stated preference

Kuriyama, K., Kitabatake, Y, and Oshima Y. (1998) The Downward Bias due to "No-Vote" Option in Contingent Valuation Study. Forest Economics and Policy Working Paper #9805, Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.


A NOAA panel recommended that "no-answer" options be explicitly included in referendum-style contingent valuation (CV) surveys. However, excluding the resulting no-vote (NV) responses would mean not only losing the choice preference information of these respondents, it could also cause sample selection bias. This would be true if NV respondents' preferences differed from other respondents in the sample. This paper analyzes the incentive effects of NV options in double-bounded CV. If initial bids affect follow-up NV responses, there is a systematic difference between initial NV responses and follow-up NV responses. To analyze these effects we use a bivariate ordered probit model; this combines an ordered probit and a bivariate probit model.
Our empirical analysis uses data from a Yakusima World Heritage Site CV survey. Following the NOAA panel, we consider many CV survey design issues. These include conservative survey design, the double-bounded referendum elicitation method, the willingness to pay format, door-to-door in-person interviews, scope issues, and NV options. After extensive pilot surveys, a final CV survey was administered nationally in July 1997, resulting in 821 complete responses. The double-bounded data is analyzed using a bivariate ordered probit model. The empirical results demonstrate a strategic downward bias of 322 yen for the "strong scenario" when excluding the NV option, and 1,763 yen when the NV option is included. The NV option may strengthen strategic downward bias in double-bounded CV surveys.

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