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We developed an integer programing extreme value (IPEV) model that accounts the integer property of trip data and has the same advantages as the multiple discrete-continuous extreme value choice (MDCEV) model. The proposed model is consistent with utility theory and provides a single structural framework for simultaneously modeling the choice of alternatives and quantity decisions with the constraint of the integer value of consumption. We demonstrate that the proposed model has a closed-form probability expression. Finally, we apply the proposed model to the recreation demand for national parks in Japan. The empirical results suggest that the proposed model provides a better fit for the data than the previous model and that ignoring the integer property of demand might cause an underestimation of the welfare loss.
Sample GAUSS codes (v1.00)
Researchers propose using a partial profile design using a subset of attributes in choice experiments (CEs) with a high number of attributes. Previous studies report estimation bias in partial profile CEs with a “no choice” option. This study considers consistent estimations for partial profile designs. The theoretical analysis shows that the estimated parameters using partial profile CEs with a “no choice” option are not consistent. This paper proposes a consistent estimator using information about the excluded attributes for a partial profile. The simulation results suggest that the proposed consistent estimator can yield unbiased parameters. Following the theoretical and simulation results, the authors discuss some implications for addressing estimation bias in partial profile CEs.
In this study, we apply the multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model with triple constraints to identify the value of leisure time during weekends and long holidays. Our approach models the economic behavior of leisure trips with the triple constraints of budget, duration of weekend, and duration of holiday. The econometric model is developed to construct an estimation using the observed allocation of goods and time between a weekend and a long holiday. Our proposed approach models endogenous time allocation and analyzes the substitution effect between weekends and long holidays. Furthermore, we solve a system of nonlinear equa- tions using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, which constructs the value of leisure times, demand prediction, and welfare analysis. Finally, we apply the proposed model to the recreation demand for national parks in Japan. The results suggest a significantly large difference in the value of leisure time between weekends and long holidays with low substitution effects between them.
Sample GAUSS codes (v1.10)
生態系の価値を評価できる手法として仮想評価法(CVM)が注目を集めている。しかし、CVM で一般的に使われている二肢選択方式は統計的分析が必要であるため、これまでは統計専用のアプリケーションが必要であった。本研究は、初心者でもCVM を体験できるように表計算ソフトのみで推定する方法を示すとともに、推定方法の詳細を明らかにすることで統計ソフトがどのように計算しているかを示すことを目的としている。第3.2版ではノンパラメトリックモデル(カプランマイヤーモデル)への対応をサポートした。
ダウンロードファイル cvm32.zip(1,656KB、zipで圧縮)注意:このファイルの使用条件を必ず参照してください。うまくダウンロードできないときは、マウスの右クリックで「対象をファイルに保存」を選んでください。
Hoshino, Tadao, and Koichi Kuriyama. Measuring the Benefits of Neighborhood Park Amenities: Application and Comparison of Spatial Hedonic Approaches, Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol.45, No.3, 429-444, March 2010.
This paper uses the hedonic price method to estimate the influence of parks on the housing value of a residential neighborhood in Setagaya ward, Tokyo. When data are explicitly spatial, ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates are inefficient. To improve the accuracy of estimates, spatial autoregression models and kriging models were employed. The results show the clear validity of the spatial models compared to the OLS model. According to the results from the spatial models, the effect of parks on property values varies with the park’s size: the number of medium-sized neighborhood parks is positively related to rental prices, while small- and large-neighborhood parks are not statistically positively influential by rental values. This casts doubt on the validity of past urban park planning policy, in which the primary concern was not for the size of individual open spaces but for the ratio of aggregated open spaces.
栗山浩一・三谷羊平・庄子 康(2008)潜在セグメントモデルへのEMアルゴリズムの適用可能性について.2008年8月.
環境の経済評価では,環境に対する選好の多様性をモデル化することが重要な課題の一つとなっているが,そのためのアプローチとして回答者を異なる集団(セグメント)に分類し,セグメントごとに選好パラメータを推定する潜在セグメントモデルが注目されている。ただし,潜在セグメントモデルでは,推定されるパラメータの数が多く,通常の最尤法では推定に失敗することが多いため,EM アルゴリズムの適用を検討した。理論モデルでは,所属確率を直接推定するだけではなく,メンバーシップ関数を用いたモデルに対してもEM アルゴリズムを適用可能であることを示した。さらにモンテカルロ・シミュレーションを用いてEM アルゴリズムの性能を確認した。その結果,所属確率の高いセグメントについては,効用関数のパラメータを正しく再現できることが示されたものの,メンバーシップ関数については再現性が低いことが明らかとなった。
栗山浩一・岸本充生・金本良嗣.死亡リスク削減の経済的評価−スコープテストによる仮想評価法の検証、環境経済・政策研究、Vol.2,No.2,48-63, 2009.
本研究の目的は,CVM(仮想評価法)を用いて死亡リスク削減の経済的価値を評価するとともに,死亡リスクが変化したときに評価額が変化するかを確認するスコープテストを実施し,死亡リスク評価の信頼性を検証することにある。理論分析では,リスク削減幅が大きいほど,支払意思額(WTP) は増大するのに対して,統計的生命の価値(VSL) は低下することが予想されることを示した。実証研究では,交通事故による死亡リスクに対して,死亡リスク17 %削減と50 %削減の二種類のシナリオを設定することで,スコープテストを実施した。その結果,実証研究においても理論的に予測されたとおりの結果が得られた。なお,先行研究の多くは,同一回答者を対象とした内部スコープテストはクリアできても,異なる回答者間で比較する外部スコープテストをクリアすることは困難であることが示されていたが,本研究では,両方のスコープテストを実施し,いずれのテストもクリアした。
The demand for recreation exhibits intertemporal substitution, as well as spatial substitution. In this paper, we develop a dynamic Kuhn-Tucker model of recreation demand with intertemporal substitution effects, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. We propose a dynamic extension of the traditional static Kuhn-Tucker model and apply this model to data for the beaches of Southern California. The empirical results suggest that disregarding intertemporal substitution effects may result in an overstatement of welfare loss; however, the difference in the compensating variations of the dynamic models with and without intertemporal substitution effects is relatively small for our dataset.
We developed an integer programming approach that takes into account the integral character of recreation behavior data and that has the same advantages as the Kuhn-Tucker continuous demand approach, which is consistent with utility theory, and provides a single structural framework for simultaneously modeling site selection and the participation decision. We then used the local search algorithm and the greedy method to estimate the parameters of the utility function and to calculate welfare changes. The results of our empirical study suggest that the integer programming approach provides a better fit to our data than does the continuous demand approach.
Kuriyama, K. and W. M. Hanemann. "Temporal Substitution of Recreation Demand with Corner Solution: Dynamic Kuhn-Tucker Model," February 2004.
In this paper, we develop the dynamic Kuhn-Tucker model with the temporal substitution e ects for recreation demand. This paper provides an application of the model to the Southern California beaches. The empirical results suggest that disregarding the temporal substitution e ects might overstate the welfare loss, however, the di erences of compensating variations between the dynamic models with or without the temporal substitution e ects are not relatively large for our dataset.
Kuriyama, K. and W. M. Hanemann. "The Integer Programming Approach to a Generalized Corner Solution Model: An application to Recreation Demand," January 2004
We develop the integer programming approach which satisfies the constraint of the count data in recreation behavior, in addition to same advantages as the Kuhn-Tucker continuous demand approach, a single structural framework to simultaneous model the site selection and participation decision with corner solution in consistent with utility theory. We use local search algorithm and the greedy method to estimate the parameters in the utility function and calculate welfare changes. Our empirical study using the beach recreation data set in Southern California region suggests that the integer programming approach fits our data better than the continuous demand approach and there is a possibility that the continuous demand model might understate the welfare loss.
Kuriyama, K., W. M. Hanemann, and L. Pendleton. "Seasonal Variation of the Utility and Choice Set: A Probabilistic Choice Set Approach to Beach Recreation," May 2003.
Seasonal variation of beach recreation can be decomposed into two components: (1) variation of the utility function and (2) the choice set function. We propose approximation approach to the probabilistic choice set model to investigate seasonal variation of the choice set. Using empirical study of beach recreation panel data, we show that variation of choice set is largely di erent from the one of the utility function. The choice set size of summer is larger than the one of winter. In the welfare analysis, estimated welfare has seasonal variation and it is related to seasonal variation of beach activity.
Kuriyama, K., W. M. Hanemann, and L. Pendleton. "Probabilistic Choice Set Models for Large Choice Set Data: Randomly Drawn Set and Smoothing Approximation Approaches," April 2003.
The probabilistic choice set model need to compute the probability of all possible combination of alternatives, therefore, it is necessary to use the approximation approaches when the number of alternative is large. We investigate two approaches: the randomly drawn choice set and the smoothing approximation approaches. Theoretical analysis of the biases in these approaches is investigated. Monte Carlo experiments show the superiority of our proposed smoothing approximation model. Empirical study of beach recreation data supports the theoretical and experimental results.
Kuriyama, K. "Choice Set," March 2003.
Recreation demand studies have focused on the modeling of a site choice among a specific set of sites. Only recently has attention turned to defining the choice set relevant to the individual's choice. This paper describes the methodological issues on the choice set of discrete choice models.
コンジョイント分析は最先端の環境評価手法である.コンジョイント分析は評価対象を構成する属性別に価値を分解し,代替案別に評価することが可能であることから,近年,急速に注目を集めている.しかし,コンジョイント分析はCVM 以上に複雑な統計分析が必要であり,特殊な統計ソフトを使いこなす必要があるため,これまでは研究段階にとどまっていた.本研究は,初心者でもコンジョイント分析を体験できるように表計算ソフトのみで推定する方法を示すとともに,推定方法の詳細を明らかにすることで統計ソフトがどのように計算しているかを示すことを目的としている.なお,Version 1 では代替案数は3つのみであったが,Version1.1 では代替案数が3つと4つの両方について対応している.ダウンロードファイル cj2.zip(1,768KB、zipで圧縮)
The purpose of this study was to develop a theoretical model of a choice experiment (CE) under conditions of uncertainty. We used the maximum simulated likelihood method for a joint estimation model using a panel data of stated worst-choice and highest probability. Empirical results were as follows: (1) it is difficult to decompose stated worst-choice data into utility and probability functions; (2) joint estimation using worst-choice and highest probability data can be decomposed into utility and probability functions; (3) estimated WTPs by the usual CE model are significantly different from the ones in the joint model. These results suggest that the usual CE model may be unsuitable in cases of uncertainty, while our joint estimation model between stated worst-choice and highest probability data may be more effective.
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